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Sign In

After OneRead mobile app has been installed and invoked, Sign In screen appears. You will be required to enter the following information to login:
Email and Password: Enter the email and password combination you used at the time of Sign Up .
Social media plugins: You can also Sign In using your social media credentials for Facebook orGoogle+.

Sign Up

If you are a first time user you can simply go to Sign Up option provided on Sign In page. You will be required to enter the following information:
Email and Password: Enter your valid email address and password.
Social media plugins: You can also Sign Up using your social media credentials for Facebook or Google+.

Forgot password

If you forget your password, you can input the email address that you used when you signed up your OneRead account. We will send you an email that will allow you to reset your password.

Home Page

Home page displays a list of all of your OneRead reading materials. It serves as a personal bookshelf, as well as a starting point to access other OneRead mobile app features.

To display Home page, press Home button on your menu pane. By default, Home page lists all of the items that you have on your OneRead. They are: Best Seller books, New Arrival and Most Popular. You can also navigate menu pane, Search catalogue and Cart from the Home page.


You can access several OneRead mobile app functions on menu page. Tap menu icon to view these option:

  • Home
  • Setting
  • Profile image
  • Sync
  • Search
  • My Library
  • My Collections
  • My Wishlist
  • Store
  • Feedback
  • About Us
  • FAQ
  • Analytics
  • Order
Similar books

OneRead mobile app provides recommendation and helps you discover new books based on what you like.

Product description page

The product detail page of OneRead mobile app provides the most pertinent information like book name, author name, publisher name, old price and new price. For user convenience Add to Cart option and Buy Now option are provided on the same page. You can also view description about the book, reviews and more books by author.


Use OneRead mobile app Settings page to Deregister Your Device, manage your Notification, personalize your Reader Settings, edit your Profile Settings and to select Genre Preferences.

My Collections

You can create collections on OneRead mobile app to personalize the way you organize your books, and to make it easier to find them.

Add New Collection – My Collections give you the flexibility to add as many collections as you need. My Collections also let you efficiently add multiple books to a single collection. This is useful for organizing similar types of books into one collection in a single pass.


OneRead Analytics helps you to measure your performance in reading on OneRead mobile app. You can evaluate the Total Read Time in day’s hours minutes spent on reading a particular book. It also shows cover images of books that are In Progress. You can also analyze average pages turned per book, average minutes per session, and average pages per session.

My Cart

On My Cart page user shall be able to view details of the book added to Cart for purchase. Select Cart tab to view price detail of the book or books added to Cart . You can also remove books directly from Cart or can move them to Wishlist.

Cover Image

When you start reading a book on OneRead the first page which appears is the full size cover image of that book. You can use Go to option to access your preferred page by tapping the page number on footer of the cover image.


OneRead mobile app retains the best qualities of ebooks, but adds many features that are available only through digital technologies such as Word Lookup, Changeable Text Size, Read Aloud, Annotations, and Sharing.


As you’re reading on your OneRead mobile app, you may want to Highlight or Underline text to refer to later or add your own notes to a particular passage. The touchscreen makes it particularly convenient for you to make these marks, or annotations.

Highlights shade a section of text to draw attention to it. In OneRead, you can highlight text in different colors to distinguish them.

Notes are the text you type, much like when you jot notes in the margins of a printed book.

Underline allows you to mark underline your favorite lines on ebook.


As you're reading on your OneRead mobile app you may want to make a note. Notes are the text you type, much like when you jot notes in the margins of a printed book. In OneRead you can also highlight your notes using colors of your choice.

Go to Page

Go to feature allows user to go to location by either using full page slider or by entering page number. Simply, tap on paging on the header of the book. Select full page slider or input page number to go directly to page number.

Read Aloud

OneRead offers thousands of audible audio editions, including Best Sellers and Most Popular books. Listen to audible content through speakers or plug in your headphones for private listening. You can let your OneRead, Read Aloud for you. You can stop, forward or rewind audio whenever you feel to do so.


OneRead gives you the option to focus your search to the built-in dictionary, the OneRead eStore, Wikipedia, Google, and the web. There are four type of Search available in OneRead. If you select Search from the Home page, the screen will display a full search page. Search option is also available for My Library. You can limit a search to only what you are currently reading.

Reader features

As you’re reading on your OneRead mobile app, you may want to change Reader Setting like themes, text size, line spacing and brightness of screen. You can adjust the text Settingsto suit your preference. You can change the number of words per line in the book. Adjusting the number of words increases or decreases the size of the margins. You may find you read faster with fewer words per line. You can adjust brightness of the screen either by using slider or by using toggle button for Adaptive Light.

Reader settings

You can use Reader Settings page enable/disable Curl for pages, Resume, Volume button control, Spread view and Reference default. You can also choose orientation for book pages to enhance your reading experience.

View Highlight

As you’re reading on your OneRead mobile app, you may want to highlight text to refer to later or add your own notes to a particular passage. To view highlights click the menuicon on the bottom right corner of the reader and select Highlight from the options provided on header.

Change Highlight Color

If you don't like the color you used when highlighting text, you can change it to one you like.